Saturday, February 16, 2013

Invitation to the dance

Since I was a little child my parents encouraged me to do some sports like basketball, handball, or aerobics. Unfortunately, I have never been a sportswoman type of girl, so I quit every time for different reasons: once the basketball hit me in the head and since then on I got afraid of that evil sphere, I was not good at aiming, and I just got fed up with the same exercises done to the same music twice a week. However, when I was eleven I learnt about a new extra-curricular activity instructed by a young lady. That was different. A group of girls learnt choreographies for a chosen music, or in many cases more music mixed together. The repertoire was colorful. We had songs form Nirvana, Britney Spears, C&C Music factory, Dirty Dancing etc. Even if choreographies were not professional, the moves were taken from classic dances like ballet or salsa.  I attended that dance association for approximately five years. Neither was I the best nor did I make good friends, but what I felt during dancing was worth it all. It was like getting lost in a crowd but sticking out at the same time. I felt strong and confident while being feminine and tender.  Nevertheless, the instructor did not notice my progress, the classes became expensive, and they were too late; so I quit.
The next opportunity to feel that I was in full possession of my body and my moves was in my senior year at high school when we prepared for the prom. Then I realized I missed dancing more than I have ever thought. Moreover, my experiences widened with a bit of ballroom dancing as well, in which your partner leads you but you have to control his guidance. The beauty and the difficulty of pair dances is that you have to move together with a partner in total harmony. You are aware of your steps, but you have to perceive your pair’s motion as well. If you cannot move perfectly simultaneously than the whole performance falls apart. The aim of this blog is to go further in the heterogeneous world of dancing with a partner and learn more about working together with him. I hope you will follow my lead.


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